Lisa Hannigan, an Irish singer-songwriter, was recently in DC after the release of her new album At Swim. She performed at the U Street Music Hall with a full house and a set to kill. The line to get into the venue almost spread around the block – whether they know her from Damien Rice’s music or found her after she began her solo career in 2007, it’s clear that Hannigan has some loyal fans.
The night started off with many of the audience members getting drinks and finding spots where they could get close to the stage. I stood a row away from the stage, even though I had been far from the front in line before the doors opened. The opening artist, Heather Woods Broderick, was phenomenal! She set the tone for Lisa to come out and had actually had many people in the crowd that knew who she was.
She played percussion, the guitar, the bass and also sang for her performance. She was stealing the stage with her many talents and even played the piano for a couple of her songs. She was a joy to watch and listen to. Her songs were filled with emotion and love. I felt so connected to her through the rawness of her voice and lyrics.
When Lisa Hannigan finally came out, the crowd was screaming with anticipation and ready to see her. Heather Woods Broderick was actually in her backup band on vocals, guitar, and bass. Lisa gave a shout out to her in the beginning of her performance. During her performance, she sang songs like “Snow”, “Little Bird”, “Home”, and “Passenger” which is one of my favorites. She made small comments about some of the songs, saying things like “This is a love song with a depressing title” in reference to her songs “Prayer for The Dying” and “Funeral Suit”.
After performing it for us, she began talking about her song “Undertow” which has a new music video. She told the crowd how she had to learn the song backward and sing it for the music video. After explaining it, she showed off her new skill by singing a portion of the song, backward. Below is the music video, just knowing that she’s actually singing it backward makes me appreciate it that much more.
She ended the show with an introduction of the band and then another song. She was magical on the stage as she danced along to her own music. It was an absolute delight to see her, especially with my view.
If you haven’t checked her out yet, I suggest you do so!
Photo Credit: Lisa Hannigan Facebook Page
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