A Space Outta Sound: Semester in Review

Hosted by Pietro Elie, Finn Gatins, and Brian Park, WGTB’s A Space Outta Sound showcases a wide variety of experimental tunes, with a general focus on genre-defying instrumentals. This is a compilation of selections played on A Space Outta Sound last semester, including a live in-studio mix.

Fall Semester:

Mix 1: Listen here.

Mix 2: Listen here.

Mix 3: Listen here.

Mix 4: Listen here.

Mix 5: Listen here.

Mix 6: Listen here.

Mix 7: Listen here.

Mix 8: Listen here. And listen to the in-studio recorded mix here.

Spring Semester:

Mix 9: Listen here.

Mix 10: Listen here.

Mix 11: Listen here.

Mix 12: Listen here.

Mix 13: Listen here.

Mix 14: Listen here.

Mix 15: Listen here.

Mix 16: Listen here. And listen to the in-studio recorded mix here.

Make sure to keep an ear out for A Space Outta Sound next semester!


  • Sarah Mathys

    Sarah is a junior Anthropology major from Austin, Texas, and the Editor in Chief of The Rotation. She has a deep love for overpriced tea, Jack White, and live music. Catch her live on South By Northern Virginia with DJ Marshall every Monday night from 8-10 EST.

    http://sarahsonsafari.wordpress.com sm2983@georgetown.edu Mathys Sarah

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