Artist to Watch: Banoffee

Banoffee (Martha Brown), from Melbourne, Australia, is definitely an artist to have on your radar. Her self-proclaimed genre is “R’n’B, pop, wonky synth singy” which, in my mind and ears, is a great combination. Her new EP, Do I Make You Nervous?, was released October 1st and it didn’t take long for it to land a spot on my top played albums. She has been releasing singles since 2013 and released her first EP, Banoffee, in 2014. Most of her listeners are from Australia and New Zealand and she is currently touring in both countries.

Banoffee is perfect for staying in on a rainy day with some candles and a cozy blanket. Take the time to listen, you will not regret it.

Favorite songs: “With Her”, “Got It”, “Fall Fast”, “I’m Not Sorry”


  • Melissa Gonzalez

    Melissa Gonzalez is a premed sophomore in the College majoring in psychology and minoring in art. Some of her passions are photography, potatoes, Portlandia, and alliteration. Follow her blog on to read posts about these said passions.

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