Playlist: Best Rap Intros of the 2000s

A great intro song sets the tone for the rest of the album, and can make or break a listener’s first impressions in an instant. Here are some of the top intros of the last 15 years that have been able to stand the test of time and start their albums off with a bang. A couple notes: the first song on the playlist, “Be,” is in my opinion the best intro of any album, of all time. Produced by Kanye West and No ID, the beat begins with a single bass strum, and builds into soaring orchestration backed by kicking drums and Common’s reassuring, wise raps on consciousness and life. Listen to it really loud and really carefully. It just doesn’t get better than “Be.” Listen for “Tuscan Leather”‘s beat switch-up about halfway through the song into chipmunk-soul, rife with reflections on wealth, celebrity, and celebration. “Dreams and Nightmares” also features a great beat switch up, ratcheting up the tempo and intensity as the song goes on. Enjoy.



  • Ethan Levy

    Ethan Levy is a sophomore in Georgetown College majoring in Government. He's hoping his Late Registration for classes won't cause him to be a College Dropout, and that he can still walk across the stage at Graduation. Shameless Yeezus disciple.

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About the author

Ethan Levy

Ethan Levy is a sophomore in Georgetown College majoring in Government. He's hoping his Late Registration for classes won't cause him to be a College Dropout, and that he can still walk across the stage at Graduation. Shameless Yeezus disciple.

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