Edward Sharpe has always been my go-to feel-good music. With their folk-rock jams and hippie personas, they’re a genuinely fun group making music that sounds at home in the psychedelia of the ’60s and ’70s. Even if you’re unfamiliar with their three studio albums, you’ve definitely heard the 2009 earworm “Home“, aka one of the catchiest bits of indie rock of the decade. On November 16th, they released their latest single, “Hot Coals”, to members of their mailing list as a private SoundCloud link. Although the track won’t be available for streaming to the public until Friday, they intend for it to be shared and circulated until then. Listen to it below and hopefully, you’ll be as impressed as I was.
Since parting ways from with Jade Castrinos last summer, Edward Sharpe has played a lot of festivals (shout-out to Austin’s SXSW) but hasn’t spent much time in the studio. “Hot Coals” is their first official release sans Jade and takes the group in a more rock-tinged direction, shedding some of their cheerful folksiness in favor of psychedelic horns and heavier beats. The seven-minute long jam contains everything I originally fell in love with, but takes the band in fresh new directions. Their fourth studio album is slated to be released at the beginning of next year, so be on the lookout. In the meantime, enjoy “Hot Coals”.
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