Have you ever dreamed of getting down to C-3PO, Ewok screams, and effortlessly blended house music? Well, dream no longer. Released on February 19th in a galaxy not so far away, Star Wars Headspace is the new go-to Star Wars-themed electronic dance album.
A compilation of sound effects and samples from the classic George Lukas films, the album separates itself from John William’s original soundtrack through its modern, EDM style. It was produced by Rick Rubin and Kevin Kusatsu and features popular artists such as Galantis, Kaskade, and Breakbot.
Overall, the album is not a musical standout, but it avoids landing in the stale placeholder of a tribute album. It is fun, thematic, and, if you are searching for some great tunes to play at your “Star Wars Day” party on May 4th, you can look no further.
The most popular track on the album is “Cantina Boys” by Baauer, featuring Darth Vader’s stereotypical deep breaths. With a heavy beat and trap-esque tone, the song feels like it could easily be played at a house party filled with film fans and light saber themed strobe lights.
“Star Tripper” by Breakbot was my personal favorite. From its softly orchestrated start to its mid-point break into syncopated synth, the track is vaguely reminiscent of Daft Punk’s song “Voyager” from their Discovery album. I found the slower, more contemplative mood a satisfying parallel to the melancholy of the original films.
Other notable songs include “C-3PO’s Plight,” which parallels the sarcasm and humor of C-3PO’s character, and “Sunset Over Manaan” by ATTLAS.
In the end, do or do not listen to this album. There is no try.
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