“Back For Me” – Electric Guest

Five years after their first album and a couple of months after they dropped their most recent song, the L.A. based band Electric Guest has announced their second album with a new single, “Back For Me.” The band’s new LP, Plural, will be released on February 17th. “Back For Me” is the second single from Plural, coming about two months after “Dear To Me,” which features HAIM on vocals.

Electric Guest caught my attention in the spring semester of my freshman year, which I remember very clearly because I basically listened to them nonstop for months. Their debut album, Mondo, is quality. The pop-y “This Head I Hold” is probably their most famous song, but “Amber” and “American Daydream” (as well as the others) are well worth a listen.

“Dear To Me,” which was released in November, sounds a lot like some of the songs on Mondo, so I was expecting a similar sound with “Back For Me,” but I was pleasantly surprised to find something different. Although it is pop-influenced, upbeat, and catchy (similar to “This Head I Hold), “Back For Me” is something entirely new from Electric Guest. It has a more mature sound, and it’s a bit less breezy than anything from Mondo, as if the band has something more important to say. In any case, give it a listen:

And keep an eye out for Electric Guest on tour! They will be in DC on March 8th at U Street Music Hall.



  • Susanna Herrmann

    Susanna grew up mostly in Bloomington, Indiana, amidst the corn. Majoring in Philosophy and German in the college, she obviously doesn't know what she wants to do in real life, but at least she has hobbies. She enjoys soccer, art, hiking, and running.

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