Playlist: Study Daze Singles

Study days are great – no class, plenty of time to work on all the papers you have due (or not). But they also signify the coming of finals, which is basically the most terrifying part of the semester. So while you’re cramming all of the Map lectures you skipped this semester, plug into this playlist of super-new releases designed to help you power through. Featuring an eclectic mix from Radiohead, blink-182, Imagine Dragons, and not one, but two of my favorite new artists, these songs are sure to get you ready for all the music summer has to offer.


  • Sarah Mathys

    Sarah is a junior Anthropology major from Austin, Texas, and the Editor in Chief of The Rotation. She has a deep love for overpriced tea, Jack White, and live music. Catch her live on South By Northern Virginia with DJ Marshall every Monday night from 8-10 EST. Mathys Sarah

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