Buckle up, folks!
Dope Lemon, and their new album Rose Pink Cadillac, have arrived. Led by singer-songwriter Angus Stone, Dope Lemon played the 9:30 Club on October 19th. As he emerged from a cloud of white smoke, and inflatable beach balls filled the air, Stone greeted the audience with an Australian drawl: “HEY DC!”
One of the band’s biggest hits, “Stonecutters,” opened the show, showcasing Dope Lemon’s masterful use of boxy guitars and melodic synths. Intensity only grew throughout the night as the band produced a continuously immersive experience. Hypnotic instrumentals increased in complexity, raspy chords drew faster, and subtle nodding became full-body movements. The band’s ability to seamlessly blend pop, folk, and rock music together shone after only a few minutes into songs like “Marinade” and “Hey You”.
Perhaps the most exciting moment of the night was Stone’s heartfelt address to the audience. Stone told a story about his ex-girlfriend and the consequences of falling in love, while the band continued with instrumentals, segueing into “Fuck Things Up.” The song captured Stone’s feelings of helplessness about the mistakes of the past, while simultaneously reminding the audience of the value of forgiveness. More than just performing beautiful music, Dope Lemon left the audience with a performance that was also comforting and emotional.
The concert closed with “Home Soon,” Stone’s single comeback from Honey Bones, the group’s debut album. As the song’s final lines, “Won’t you come home soon…,” reverberated through the club, the audience became one, swaying back and forth to the closing notes.
And then there was more!
As a final—though seemingly unplanned—goodbye, Dope Lemon surprised the audience with“Kids Fallin’ In Love”, a touching ballad that certainly left the single members of the audience feeling even more lonely.

The slow, woozy feeling of Dope Lemon’s psychedelic-inspired music left the audience in a post-concert daze. As the crowd dispersed and Ubers arrived, I found myself in a trance after a night of pulsating lights, beautiful melodies, and touching lyrics. Dope Lemon’s on-stage dynamism and emotional depth remained clear far beyond the concert’s end.
T’was truly a wonderful and wild ride! Check out Dope Lemon and Rose Pink Cadillac on Spotify here!
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