
Do you like radio? Do you like dancing? Of course you do. Come groove the night away with us in Bulldog Alley this Saturday, April 9th. We’ll be featuring performances from two amazing Georgetown DJs, Nick McCarthy and DJ Skim. The show begins at 11pm and it’s free for GU students – come boogie with WGTB and a night of amazing music.


  • Sarah Mathys

    Sarah is a junior Anthropology major from Austin, Texas, and the Editor in Chief of The Rotation. She has a deep love for overpriced tea, Jack White, and live music. Catch her live on South By Northern Virginia with DJ Marshall every Monday night from 8-10 EST.

    http://sarahsonsafari.wordpress.com sm2983@georgetown.edu Mathys Sarah


About the author

Sarah Mathys

Email Website

Sarah is a junior Anthropology major from Austin, Texas, and the Editor in Chief of The Rotation. She has a deep love for overpriced tea, Jack White, and live music. Catch her live on South By Northern Virginia with DJ Marshall every Monday night from 8-10 EST.

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