Spanning across two days, Red Bull Dance Your Style Washington D.C. National Final will include a pre-final qualifier competition on Friday, October 22nd, bringing together the semi-finalists of the regional qualifiers in Boston, Chicago, Los Angeles, Atlanta, and Memphis to vie for a spot amongst the top 16 dancers who will compete the following evening.
On Saturday, October 23rd, the nation’s top 16 street dancers will battle it out to claim the National Final Championship title, guaranteeing their spot at the Red Bull Dance Your Style World Finals in Johannesburg, South Africa. Each dancer will go head to head, via bracket style tournament, performing against a spontaneous soundtrack provided by the DMV’s very own DJ Domo. The audience will play judge, ultimately deciding which dancer will advance onto the next round. With no panel of judges, no planned choreography, and no pre-chosen music, it’s all about embracing the moment, wowing the crowd, and moving to the beat. To get a glimpse of the action, check out the 2019 Red Bull Dance Your Style World Finals recap that took place in Paris.
Celebrating the diverse dance community, Red Bull will host a series of workshops for dance lovers to connect on Saturday, October 23rd. Workshops will be led by friends of Red Bull’s global dance roster Kosi, Coflo, and TsunAMI and are free and open to the public through the online registration link.
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