Halloween is definitely my favorite holiday, but I haven’t really been feeling it this year. Maybe it’s the absurd quantity of midterms or the fact that I’m too broke to go costume shopping, but even all the pumpkin spice and changing leaves haven’t been able to put me in the Halloween spirit. Hopefully, if you’re feeling the same way, this playlist will help you out. Containing awesome tracks from Davids Bowie and Byrne, along with my favorite tune from Kimya Dawson and classics from the Misfits and Marilyn Manson, these thirteen songs should put you in the mood to dress slutty and beg for candy from the embassies. And of course, it just wouldn’t be Halloween without “Time Warp” and this playlist’s eponymous theme song. I even added the incredibly named “They Are Night Zombies!! They Are Neighbors!! They Have Come Back From The Dead!! Ahhhh!” by the fabulous Sufjan Stevens. Enjoy!
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