Hipsters’ Holiday

Hiptsters’ Holiday is probably not what you’re expecting from the title: it contains no pretentious indie rock takes on Christmas classics. Sorry for pulling a fast one on all of you music hipsters confused about what to listen to at Christmastime. Instead, it contains vocal jazz and R&B classics from the likes of Louis Armstrong and Miles Davis. If you want to have some fun with your Christmas music, this is where you should turn.

Some songs truly are classics: Eartha Kitt’s rendition of Santa Baby” puts all other versions of the song to shame. However, my personal favorites are the ones that you might not hear terrible versions of in the mall. I enjoy the rollicking feel of “Dig That Crazy Santa Claus” by Oscar McLollie and His Honey Jumpers, as well as the Louis Armstrong growl of “‘Zat You, Santa Claus?”  But beating out all of the other great songs on this album is “We Wanna See Santa Do the Mambo” by Big John Greer. It leaves the listener with a lot of questions: Why would Santa do the mambo? Would anyone really want to see that? Are there any other words in the song that would provide context? (Probably.) Most importantly, why can’t I get it out of my head?

Check out the album! Merry Christmas!



  • Caroline Immroth

    Caroline is a freshman in the College studying linguistics. She is from Portland, Oregon, and consequently is a crusader for Birkenstocks and compost. You can find her listening to all the music you're not cool enough to know.

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About the author

Caroline Immroth

Caroline is a freshman in the College studying linguistics. She is from Portland, Oregon, and consequently is a crusader for Birkenstocks and compost. You can find her listening to all the music you're not cool enough to know.

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