In Death Cab for Cutie’s 18 years together they have never been very experimental with their sound, but if it works why change it? Kintsugi, released March 31, is their eighth full-length record. They dug themselves into a deep hole with 2011’s release of Codes & Keys, which is arguably their worst album to date. However, after nearly 4 years they’ve climbed out with Kintsugi. If you’ve never liked Death Cab for Cutie then this is another album you probably won’t love, but it is certain to appease their fans.
The loss of Chris Walla in September 2014 was huge, as he was not only the guitarist but also the producer of all their previous albums. Kintsugi is the first Death Cab album to feature an outside producer, Rich Costey, who has produced albums for groups such as Muse, Foster the People, and Chvrches. He brings a bit of a pop vibe to the album, but it’s barely audible. Ben Gibbard, the current guitarist and vocalist, is a strong musician in his own right with solo and side projects.
Kintsugi goes back to the likes of Plans and Transatlanticism, which to me is a great thing. Some of the more notable songs include their single “Black Sun,” “No Room in Frame,” and “Little Wanderer.”
Dude, right on there brethor.