30 Days, 30 Songs: Artists for a Trump-Free America


Death Cab For Cutie released a new track on Spotify this morning, and as many people noticed, it contained some not-so-subtle digs at Donald Trump. Titled “Million Dollar Loan” after Trump’s famous “small loan” from his father, this is the first of many anti-Trump tracks for the 30 Days, 30 Songs project.

Led in part by author Dave Eggers, this project will release one new track each day leading up to the election, featuring artists from across the country in an attempt to motivate Americans to register and vote for Hillary Clinton. Learn more about the project here, or check back daily for an updated Spotify playlist featuring all of the released songs.

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  • Sarah Mathys

    Sarah is a junior Anthropology major from Austin, Texas, and the Editor in Chief of The Rotation. She has a deep love for overpriced tea, Jack White, and live music. Catch her live on South By Northern Virginia with DJ Marshall every Monday night from 8-10 EST.

    http://sarahsonsafari.wordpress.com sm2983@georgetown.edu Mathys Sarah


About the author

Sarah Mathys

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Sarah is a junior Anthropology major from Austin, Texas, and the Editor in Chief of The Rotation. She has a deep love for overpriced tea, Jack White, and live music. Catch her live on South By Northern Virginia with DJ Marshall every Monday night from 8-10 EST.

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