Cymbal: Five Stars, Would Recommend

Cymbal is WGTB’s new favorite place to save, share, and stream music. On any given day, the musical possibilities are endless: shower music, breakfast music, power-walking to class music, power-walking far away from class music, study music, workout music, turn-up music, turn-down music… and I’ll be the first to admit – not all of it needs to be made public (I’d rather not talk about my Recently Played Artists on Spotify.)

But as the stockpile of digital music grows inconceivably vast, Cymbal is a great way to cut through the static. A way to clarify, “I actually have incredible taste in music that is both trendy and obscure.” A way of paying homage to that song you’ve had cued up 10-15 times in a row. A place to discover tomorrow’s Song of the Day. And best of all – a way to collect the best of Spotify and Soundcloud in one place.

If you want to keep your Cymbal feed looking funky fresh, be sure to follow us @WGTB : WGTB Georgetown Radio (sampled below). You can thank us later.



  • Samantha

    Samantha is a student of the English language at Georgetown University minoring in Excuses. She takes her fair-trade coffee scalding, with a side of soy milk and anxiety. K Samantha

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