The Halfways hail from Austin, Texas, and is a group that mixes many genres in their work to create a kind of psychedelic rock. The Halfways started out as a solo project of Daniel Fernandez, the lead singer and songwriter. Shortly after its inception, he was joined by the other members of the group, and one year later the group has released their debut EP. Off the radar for the moment, The Halfways have a groove that is comparable to Tame Impala, but not necessarily restrained to the same sound. Daniel Fernandez also has less of a vocal presence. The group can be found on Spotify, iTunes, and Soundclound.
There is a lot going on in their first EP, from the more laid back tracks “Not All Are To Be Trusted” and “A Jealous Sea At That,” to a more folksy sound and stronger vocals in “I’ve Said The Wrong Thing” and the fast-paced “Letterholes.” My favorite track was probably “Intermission,” which is a short but sweet song with dynamic changes and a dreamy melody. The funky melody in “Intermission” reminds me of some of the earlier tracks by The Shins, with a plucky background sound. The Halfways is topped off by “Letterholes,” which I consider their best sound. This song is a great intro with very interesting changes in tempo and an almost Beatles-like sound in the middle.
Word is that The Halfways have a great and energetic stage presence, so although they’re sticking to the Texas area for the time being, I hope they make their way to DC at some point.
photo credit: The Halfways facebook page
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