Leslie Bergmann is a senior in the College majoring in French, because she has no concrete life plan. In the mean time, she is the host of "Concrete Wilderness," a show focused on the humble and sometimes strange origins of artists, airing Sundays 10 am to 12 pm.
For those of you whose winter is anything like mine, you know all too well the pains of your parents playing the same 20 holiday songs through the... Read more →
Missy Elliott has always had an aptitude for appearing when least expected. After ten years since releasing an album and three years since putting... Read more →
Big Grams emerged as a modern fairytale of sorts; frustrated while closing pop-up windows on his computer, Antwan André Patton, better known as Big... Read more →
With the leaked release of his third album this summer, Mac Demarco has developed a cult following and a charming reputation in the indie music... Read more →
September was a good month for new music. Phantogram and Outkast’s Big Boi teamed up for a collaborative release under the name Big Grams, Arcade... Read more →
As part of their sixth annual single series, Adult Swim boasted an impressive list of participating artists. Among others, artists like Danny Brown... Read more →
What is love if not a meticulously-crafted, personalized mixtape? Whether you have a walkman or not, music unlocks what words otherwise cannot capture. In that spirit, I’ve assembled a non-exhaustive list of my favorite love songs for the holiday here, and I’ve highlighted some of the tracks below. Happy V-Day, WGTB
Coming out from the shadows of a hiatus cut short, Fiona Apples and Oranges returns for another year on the hilltop and in the studio. Usher in the beginning of autumn and protect yourself from planetary retrograde with new recommendations from your favorite DJs, Sarah and Ian. Still reading? Listen to our best songs for... […]
Join WGTB on Saturday February 26 to welcome MICHELLE and Sidney Gish for our annual Spring concert. The show will take place in Bulldog Alley (behind the WGTB studio in the Leavey Center) and doors will open at 7 pm. Sidney Gish is a 24 year old musician who began her music career during her... […]