Sarah is a junior Anthropology major from Austin, Texas, and the Editor in Chief of The Rotation. She has a deep love for overpriced tea, Jack White, and live music. Catch her live on South By Northern Virginia with DJ Marshall every Monday night from 8-10 EST.
Edward Sharpe has always been my go-to feel-good music. With their folk-rock jams and hippie personas, they're a genuinely fun group making music... Read more →
Weezer has basically always been awesome. From their 90s releases of The Blue Album and the now-legendary Pinkerton, to the recent Everything Will... Read more →
While browsing Spotify's new releases, I stumbled upon "Gold", a synth-pop gem from brand-new artist Kiiara. Give it a listen - and then be as... Read more →
Nostalgia has developed a bit of a bad reputation. In an age where "back in my day" is the quintessential phrase of older generations expressing... Read more →
It happens to all of us. Sometimes you wake up in a bad mood, and everything around you exacerbates it. As we creep into the next few winter months,... Read more →
Halloween is definitely my favorite holiday, but I haven't really been feeling it this year. Maybe it's the absurd quantity of midterms or the fact... Read more →
Over the last ten years, Dallas Green has consistently put out critically acclaimed albums under the name of City and Colour, but the only song I... Read more →
Indie pop band fun. formed in mid 2008, but they didn't reach mainstream recognition until their ubiquitous 2011 chart-topper "We Are Young".... Read more →
What is love if not a meticulously-crafted, personalized mixtape? Whether you have a walkman or not, music unlocks what words otherwise cannot capture. In that spirit, I’ve assembled a non-exhaustive list of my favorite love songs for the holiday here, and I’ve highlighted some of the tracks below. Happy V-Day, WGTB
Coming out from the shadows of a hiatus cut short, Fiona Apples and Oranges returns for another year on the hilltop and in the studio. Usher in the beginning of autumn and protect yourself from planetary retrograde with new recommendations from your favorite DJs, Sarah and Ian. Still reading? Listen to our best songs for... […]
Join WGTB on Saturday February 26 to welcome MICHELLE and Sidney Gish for our annual Spring concert. The show will take place in Bulldog Alley (behind the WGTB studio in the Leavey Center) and doors will open at 7 pm. Sidney Gish is a 24 year old musician who began her music career during her... […]