As summer approaches and I start to think about returning home to Pennsylvania, I've had some of my favorite Philly bands playing on repeat. While... Read more →
Best Coast and Wavves stopped by DC’s 9:30 Club last Tuesday on their Summer is Forever II Tour, a reboot of their 2011 joint tour of the same... Read more →
Beach House made the surprising release of their sixth album, Thank Your Lucky Stars, in October, just two months after gifting the world... Read more →
Frankie Cosmos is becoming somewhat of a regular on stage at Comet Ping Pong in North West DC. She returns to the pizza shop/ping pong arena/sweet... Read more →
DC natives Witch Coast teamed up with Bless and Joy Buttons on October 23 for their album release show at Songbyrd Music House & Record Café in... Read more →
In the three days since the release of Drake’s highly anticipated video for ‘Hotline Bling’ on Apple Music, mass hysteria has ensued. Many fans... Read more →
Kathleen Hanna of Bikini Kill famously called for "All girls to the front!" at several of their shows in the 90's in an effort to keep them safe from... Read more →
Bully’s debut album, Feels Like, is equal parts screaming, originating from the depths of lead vocalist, Alicia Bognanno’s soul and penetrating... Read more →
What is love if not a meticulously-crafted, personalized mixtape? Whether you have a walkman or not, music unlocks what words otherwise cannot capture. In that spirit, I’ve assembled a non-exhaustive list of my favorite love songs for the holiday here, and I’ve highlighted some of the tracks below. Happy V-Day, WGTB
Coming out from the shadows of a hiatus cut short, Fiona Apples and Oranges returns for another year on the hilltop and in the studio. Usher in the beginning of autumn and protect yourself from planetary retrograde with new recommendations from your favorite DJs, Sarah and Ian. Still reading? Listen to our best songs for... […]
Join WGTB on Saturday February 26 to welcome MICHELLE and Sidney Gish for our annual Spring concert. The show will take place in Bulldog Alley (behind the WGTB studio in the Leavey Center) and doors will open at 7 pm. Sidney Gish is a 24 year old musician who began her music career during her... […]